Press Release Monday 30 Jan 2017

Small business cash flow crisis costing Australian economy $76 billion AUSTRALIA’s two million small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are drowning in a sea of unpaid customer bills, with $76 billion worth of outstanding invoices crippling their ability to grow, new research has found. If the problem can be fixed, up to half a million […]

A Must-Read Inquiry into Slow Payments for Australian SMEs

Late payments are the biggest issue Australian SMEs face. With $26 million owed in unpaid invoices averaging around $13,200 each, these businesses spend over 12 days a year in business operations chasing unpaid invoices. A lack of cash flow means stalled business growth, which often leads to debt and, in the worst case, liquidation. At […]

3 Ways to Beat Seasonal Cash Flow Fluctuations in the Agriculture Industry

Risks and risk management in the agricultural industry can heavily affect your overall profitable outcome. Cash may be king, as the old saying goes, but it’s not always easy to keep seasonal cash flow steady, particularly in the agricultural industry. So how can you help your agribusiness stay afloat through both the ups and downs? […]

Pitfalls of Not Having Credit Insurance — Don’t Get Caught Out in 2018

One reason small- to medium-sized enterprises overlook something as important as credit insurance is because they have the wrong perspective. They look at their daily operations and think credit insurance is designed to protect them against something that they don’t believe will happen and consider it a step that doesn’t need to be taken. In […]

5 Tips for Picking the Right B2B Funder for Your Business

For small- to medium-sized businesses in particular, bringing on a B2B funder is often one of the best ways to help navigate the admittedly rough and unpredictable waters of the entrepreneurial life. Customers who can never seem to pay on time have devastating consequences to even the strongest businesses, to say nothing of the seasonal […]

3 Marketing Hacks You Need To Know

Make your business stand out against the competition in 2017 with these four smart marketing hacks. The rise in digital technology means most people can usually be found carrying a mobile device or laptop. The landscape of marketing online is very different from the traditional approach of brochures and television ads. These four trends will […]

Extended Supplier Payments – How to Beat the Bullies

2016 has been a year filled with extended supplier payments. From Rio Tinto’s extension from 30 days to 90 days to Kelloggs and Fonterra stretching payments to 120 days — how can you ensure steady cash flow in your business and beat the bullies? Understanding your loss Lack of cash flow is causing a loss […]

5 Ways to Boost Cash Flow for Mining SMEs in the New Year

The mining industry is highly competitive and often characterised by enormous projects with huge budgets. When payments are stalled, business owners need to make a serious plan when it comes to managing cash flow in the New Year. Take responsibility for what you can control It’s easy to blame your customers for lengthy payment periods, […]

Why Cash is Still King in Business

Running a business is similar to running a household. There are key stakeholders, mouths to feed, and relationships with other ‘families’ — all as a means to maintain life. Cash in a business is crucial. It’s the on and off switch that fuels business growth and keeps operations running smoothly. Here are four reasons why […]

Why You Need to Know About Invoice Financing Now

Invoice financing is a great way to ensure consistent cash flow in your business. When dealing with slow debtors — having a third party purchase your invoice alleviates a lot of the business pains caused by slower payments. Consistent cash flow also means you can spend more time allocating capital to internal resources, infrastructure and […]

OptiPay Cash Flow Finder