Learn effective cash flow management strategies to scale your wholesale business

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Is the lag between paying your suppliers and getting paid by your customers causing a problem?

Are bad debts and late payments making you miss growth opportunities?

In the latest ebook from TIM Finance, you will learn actionable strategies to help you start growing your wholesale business now.

In this easy-to-read ebook, you will learn

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7 Powerful Strategies to Manage Your Cash Flow as You Grow Your Wholesale Business

Who is OptiPay

Businesses like yours need to stay ahead of the curve. You need innovative ways to rise to the challenges set by your competitors.
At OptiPay, we believe that time is money and money is the lifeblood of a business; it’s the master key that unlocks the opportunity for greater growth and success.
That’s why we provide SMBs with fast, flexible and affordable funding so you can reach far and beyond your business goals.
We’re your partner for growth. We’re here to help you play the big game.

As featured In

Which Funding Solution
Is Right For You?

For businesses offering credit terms to their customers, have seasonal fluctuations, or simply needing working capital quickly and hassle free. Turn your outstanding invoices into cash within 24 hours with Invoice Finance.
Get the finance you need to pay your suppliers, be it for imports, exports or local supplies. Trade Finance lets you focus on closing sales rather than worrying about how you are going to pay for the goods before you sell them.
Use OptiPay to pay suppliers ‘cash on delivery’ in order to take advantage of early settlement discounts. Your suppliers get upfront payments and you pay OptiPay 30-90 days later improving the working capital position for you & your suppliers.
OptiPay Cash Flow Finder