OptiPay Featured on ABC, Channel 9, SBS and More —SME Cash Flow Crisis Report

Australian businesses are drowning under $76 billion worth of unpaid invoices. Our SME Cash Flow Crisis Report released on the 30th January, shines a light on the impact that these unpaid invoices have on Australian SMEs — and ultimately, our economy.

Business owners don’t need to suffer silently or dig into personal savings to maintain operations. At OptiPay, we help these businesses maintain a consistent stream of cash flow so they don’t need to suffer in silence.

To find out more, you can browse the media coverage we received below or simply contact us, we are happy to help.

Channel 9 Today Show
ABC News Online
ABC The World Today
Sky News
Independent Financial Adviser
Courier Mail
The Fifth Estate
Shepparton News
Echo Net Daily
Press Room
Audio Boom
The New Daily
2UE – Second Career
Adviser Voice
Industry Queensland – Small Cap Debt Squeeze
Industry Queensland – Mining SMEs Cash Flow Squeeze
Banking Day
Manufacturers’ Monthly
Kochie’s Business Builders

Media enquiries:
Adam Connolly, Apollo Communications, 0417 170 084
Jasmine Hogg, Apollo Communications, 0422 834 912

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