Smart funding coupled with OptiPaySecure™ helps growing business

Our new client had been funding just nine weeks, they were a start-up but had good contracts in place. However they had been overweight with two debtors representing 58% of their business ledger.

Whilst most of their debtors paid within terms, one had been pushing the relationship and ultimately the debtor went into liquidation owing our client some $175,000.00.

Had the client not utilised the OptiPay funding solution and OptiPaySecure™ the result would have been devastating for our client.

As a result of the OptiPay solution the client was paid the full advance and thus OptiPay was able to continue with funding without any recourse to our client.

The OptiPay solution included:

1.    20% of delivered project on execution of the contract payable 30 days from date of issue;
2.    Balance paid 30 days after installation sign off;
3.    OptiPaySecure™ (selective);
4.    Advance rate 80% of ledger;
5.    Facility limit $450,000.00;
6.    Nil establishment fees.

You do not need to be a large business to take advantage of big business funding concepts and solutions.

Talk with a OptiPay trained expert. It is undeniable that funding solutions and product design is changing at a pace and the reality is, that unless you fully understand a client’s business and their needs you will not be in a position to offer the best solution.

When it is time to review your business funding arrangements then a meeting with a OptiPay trained expert is time well invested.

Contact OptiPay and learn more about protecting and freeing up your business capital and grow.
“Get Tomorrow’s Cash flow Today”

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