What Now for Business Loans?

It’s been a busy few months for the Australian SME lending market, culminating in Kenneth Hayne’s Banking Royal Commission report which some believe will have a knock-on effect on the availability of business loans from the major banks. At the same time, small and medium sized businesses are eagerly awaiting the advent of the state-backed […]

How to Build a Secure and Innovative Supply Chain

Funding is crucial to growth, and at OptiPay we’re delighted to help hundreds of Australian businesses to access the finance they need in order to expand. However, to build secure long-term growth most businesses will also need their supply chain to follow suit. Imagine if you are preparing a big order for a new customer, […]

Spread the Benefits of Smart Funding with Supply Chain Finance

We have already seen how Supply Chain Finance provides a fast, smart solution to businesses who buy significant amounts of goods from suppliers in order to on-sell their own product. Uniquely however, Supply Chain Finance also benefits the firm’s suppliers. Let’s take as an example an expanding Australian manufacturer or wholesale trade business: to meet each […]

How Businesses Can Break the Late Payments Cycle

Australia’s culture of late payments is notorious, and although there are signs that larger businesses are starting to pay their invoices faster, they too face cash flow pressures. While the recent improvement is welcome for smaller suppliers in particular, it will likely have come at a cost to larger firms, especially manufacturers and wholesale trade […]

Why Every Business Needs an Executive Summary

Start-up incubators and business accelerators are fond of drilling their cadres to memorise a 60 second ‘elevator pitch’ which they can fire out at any potential investors they meet on their travels. Your average SME owner isn’t quite so desperate to land a large business funding package out of the blue, but it’s still worth […]

The SME Checklist for a Prosperous 2019

Checklist 2019

It may be a cliché, but the start of a new year is actually a great time to take a look at your business finances and implement a few choice changes. Why? One reason is that as a small business owner you should be performing regular financial checks anyway, and it’s probably been a few […]

Manufacturing Abroad: a Step-By-Step Guide – Part 3

Over the last few weeks we’ve looked at a long list of obstacles that Australian SMEs face when wanting to offshore some of their manufacturing requirements. Risk, quality control, scale, logistics and a cash flow impact of up to circa 240 days are among the issues that must be resolved before a company can start […]

Manufacturing Abroad: a Step-By-Step Guide – Part 2

Last week we looked at the savings that can be made by shifting manufacturing from Australia to cheaper countries and the difficulties that stand in your way, not least around cash flow and business financing. Chinese factories in particular can offer significant savings compared to manufacturing in Australia. We explained how Fintech is now able […]

Manufacturing Abroad: a Step-By-Step Guide – Part 1

Australia has a proud tradition of high quality manufacturing but for many years it has struggled to compete on cost with lower-wage economies such as China. Even though it could be argued that higher levels of business investment make Australian workers more productive, in many areas of manufacturing it is always going to be hard […]

OptiPay Cash Flow Finder