Unlocking Cash Flow: Invoice Finance Can Help Your Business Thrive

Business man blue shirt

A business cannot be successful unless the cash inflow and outflow is well managed. Unfortunately, many Australian businesses are challenged with delayed payments from customers which causes cash flow gaps that stunt growth and constrict potential profitability. In order to combat delayed and late payments, small Australian businesses are leveraging invoice financing solutions. In layman’s […]

Invoice Financing vs Traditional Bank Loans: Which is Right for your Business?

When it comes to financing your business, there are many options available. Two of the most common financing solutions are invoice financing and traditional bank loans. While both of these financing options have their advantages and disadvantages, it’s important to consider which option is right for your business. In this article, we’ll explore the differences […]

The Role of Technology in Invoice Finance and How it’s Changing the Industry

Person Using Computer Office

In recent years, technology has revolutionized the finance industry, and the invoice finance sector is no exception. Invoice finance, which includes factoring and invoice discounting, is a form of financing where businesses use their unpaid invoices as collateral to access funds. Technology has played a significant role in changing how the invoice finance industry operates, […]

The Benefits of Invoice Financing for Seasonal Businesses

As a seasonal business, managing cash flow can be a major challenge. During peak seasons, revenue flows in at a steady pace, but during the off-season, it can be difficult to maintain the same level of cash flow. This is where invoice financing comes in handy. Invoice financing, also known as invoice factoring, is a […]

The Benefits of Invoice Finance for Small Businesses and Startups

Office Girl Receiving Paper

As a business owner, you are likely familiar with the concept of cash flow management. In order to keep your business afloat, you need to have a steady stream of income. However, when your customers take a long time to pay their invoices, it can create a cash flow gap that can be difficult to […]

How to Choose the Best Invoice Finance Provider for Your Business Needs

Invoice finance is a popular financing method that allows businesses to access funds by leveraging their unpaid invoices. It is a flexible and quick way of generating cash flow for businesses of all sizes. However, not all invoice finance providers are created equal. Choosing the best invoice finance provider for your business needs can be […]

Invoice Payment Times Double as Manufacturing Undergoes Cash Flow Crunch

New data collated by OptiPay reveals a sharp increase in the number of days outstanding for invoices issued, particularly to businesses in the manufacturing industry, from 42 to 58 days in the last six months. This situation is putting extra strain on Australian manufacturing on top of the ongoing inflation and global supply issues it […]

Inflation and Global Supply Issues: Late Payments Nearly Double

Inflation and global supply issues are being felt by Australia’s manufacturing industry with new data showing a sharp increase in the number of days outstanding for invoices issued. “Over the last 6 months the number of days it’s taking debtors to pay their invoices has jumped nearly 40%, stretching from an average of 42 days […]

OptiPay Cash Flow Finder