Invoice Finance

Flexible, Easy Business Funding

East & Partners’ Special Offer

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What is
Invoice Financing?

“Cash is King” and never more so than in business. Businesses need cash to operate. They need to purchase supply inputs, pay staff, as well as cover bills such as rent, equipment leases, telco and energy costs, and they also need money to invest and grow.

All too often this cash is borrowed in the form of high interest unsecured loans or an overdraft. Whereas most businesses actually already have the money – there are usually thousands of dollars tied up in unpaid invoices sitting in your Accounts Receivables (“AR”) ledger at any one time. Invoice finance unlocks that money by getting you cash upfront, instead of waiting 30 to 90+ days for an invoice to be paid, businesses can meet many of their funding needs including major investments with invoice finance.

As soon as you’re approved, you can upload some of your invoices or your entire Accounts Receivables ledger and you will receive the funds on the same day or within 24 hours of invoice verification. To get started, simply complete the online application form provided on our website. It will only take a few seconds and won’t affect your credit rating.

OptiPay charges no upfront application fees to set up an account, nor does OptiPay charge weekly or monthly interest and principal repayment fees like a traditional unsecured business loan. All you pay is a small percentage of the invoice value funded (called a discount fee) and only when your debtors pay their invoices. What this means is that you make no ongoing interest repayments at all. The actual discount fee charged varies based on the size and value of the business and the debtors being funded, suffice to say that it usually works out cheaper than taking out an unsecured business loan or even an unsecured overdraft facility. Yes, that’s correct – simple and fair.

OptiPay’s cash flow funding solutions DO NOT require property security as collateral. We use your Accounts Receivables ledger as collateral. The larger your ledger, the more funds we will advance you with no other physical security.

To get access to cash from their Account Receivables Ledger rather than waiting for their debtors to pay them, these funds can then be used to run and grow the business. It is the same concept as offering your customer (aka debtor) an upfront discount if they pay your invoice early, and it allows businesses to obtain an advance of up to 90% of the invoice value with the 10% balance (less a small fee) received when the debtor pays.

What Australian businesses think of Invoice Finance (N=603)


The easiest way to fund working capital needs

Fulfils our funding needs without impacting the balance sheet
Has a very simple cost structure that varies by invoice value
Quick and hassle-free conversion of outstanding invoices to cash
Just like an early payment discount

OptiPay Funding Process

5 simple steps to secure funding

Quick same-day setup

Select your invoices and upload

Due diligence

Access up to 90% of your cash up front

Access balance of cash

As featured In

Latest Case Studies

OptiPay Cash Flow Finder