OptiPay News and Insights

The OptiPay blog is a useful resource to assist you fully appreciate the benefits of innovative business
funding solutions. We post regular contributions from business leaders, as well as case studies, industry
news, and tips and tools from our OptyiPay experts.

Turn Cash Flow into an Asset

Cash flow is a word that can strike fear into business owners, because it’s often followed by the word ‘problems’. However, it doesn’t have to

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Financing the Final Frontier

Since the Australian Space Agency was belatedly founded last year, interest in the country’s space sector has been rocketing. The fledgling agency recently announced a

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SME Tax Cuts Can Fund Growth

When a government announces tax cuts for business, there is always a simple premise behind the move: it is aimed at encouraging growth. The recent

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What Now for Business Loans?

It’s been a busy few months for the Australian SME lending market, culminating in Kenneth Hayne’s Banking Royal Commission report which some believe will have

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OptiPay Cash Flow Finder