OptiPay News and Insights

The OptiPay blog is a useful resource to assist you fully appreciate the benefits of innovative business
funding solutions. We post regular contributions from business leaders, as well as case studies, industry
news, and tips and tools from our OptyiPay experts.

Ladies in the office discussing invoice factoring

Is This Factoring?

 Video Transcript No, it’s not factoring. Factoring is when the financier manages the debtor ledger on the behalf of the client, including chasing the

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Bank tellers talking to customers

4 Options to Manage Bad Debts

 Video Transcript It’s an unfortunate reality of business today that if you make sales on credit terms from time to time, one or more

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The logo of the PPSR

What is the PPSR?

 Video Transcript The PPSR, also known as the Personal Property Security Register, is a publicly available website, administered by the Federal government, where a

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What is the Purpose of the PPSR?

 Video Transcript Well, the PPSR actually has a dual role. Firstly, to allow any party that is considering advancing or providing credit to a

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OptiPay Cash Flow Finder