Funding Story: Labour Hire Company
Video Transcript One of our clients, well one of the industries that’s predisposed to needing cash flow finance is labour hire. Because they have to pay their contractors every week, typically on a Wednesday night, but they may not see the cash flow from the invoices that they issue to their clients, who are […]
Funding Story: Engineering Business
Video Transcript So a finance broker brought us an opportunity, a scenario the other week that it was an engineering business down in Melbourne and they needed a couple of different products. They needed a trade finance because they were importing raw materials from overseas and they also had long trade terms with their […]
Funding Story: Refrigeration Business
Video Transcript A business that was in the refrigeration space, so they were putting refrigeration units on the back of trucks and vans or in vans and the demand for it was growing rapidly but and they were bringing in these completed refrigeration units from overseas and was unable to meet the demand he […]
The TRUE Impact of COVID-19 on Australian Businesses
Video Transcript Look, no doubt there’s been a massive impact, we’ve all seen that and in addition to the human tragedy of those that have lost loved ones in the pandemic, the fallout on business from COVID-1 and the government-imposed restrictions has been widespread across the global economy, and particularly devastating to industries, such […]
What is Trade Finance?
Video Transcript Trade finance is a term used to describe a form of business debt funding that is used to facilitate international purchases of raw materials and or inventory from international suppliers. Trade Finance is different from traditional debt, which is used within a business for general operational expenses and or capital purchases. Whereas […]
7 Ways to Raise Capital in Your Business
Video Transcript I’m regularly asked by our clients, how can I access capital for my business? So in this short video, we’re going to look at the various options available to you as a business owner to bring capital into your business. Firstly, personal capital. As the business owner you could lend money to […]
Is This Factoring?
Video Transcript No, it’s not factoring. Factoring is when the financier manages the debtor ledger on the behalf of the client, including chasing the customers for payment. Invoice Finance as provided by OptiPay does not interfere with your Customers. We simply advance cash against your unpaid invoices and leave it to you to manage […]
4 Options to Manage Bad Debts
Video Transcript It’s an unfortunate reality of business today that if you make sales on credit terms from time to time, one or more of your customers will go bust owing you money. Depending on the size of the amount that’s owed to you at the time they go bust on what that amount […]
Why Do Businesses Use Invoice Finance?
Video Transcript Businesses can’t grow without access to cash, and many businesses have a significant amount of cash tied up in their unpaid invoices, in other words, their Accounts Receivable Ledger. Although this is an asset on their balance sheet, it is a non performing asset, because your Customers are using you as a […]
What is the PPSR?
Video Transcript The PPSR, also known as the Personal Property Security Register, is a publicly available website, administered by the Federal government, where a provider of credit or finance can formally register a security interest over the borrower. Who is OptiPay? OptiPay, one of Australia’s leading business finance providers, has been dedicated to helping […]