Hiring The Right People for The Job

It is a fact of life that growing businesses need to recruit more workers, and this is one of the reasons why SMEs are so important to the economy. The OECD esOptiPayates that small and medium-sized businesses account for 60 to 70% of jobs in most developed countries, including a disproportionately large share of new […]

Debtor / Invoice Financing: A Great Solution for Working Capital

Having a great product, committed staff and plenty of eager customers often isn’t enough for a small business to grow. Working capital is essential to grow but can be hard to maintain, especially if the owner’s assets are limited and he/she is unable to fund it personally. What if it were possible for a growing […]

Coping with the Dangerous Dream of Big Orders

For many small or medium-sized business, landing a contract that significantly increases their turnover sounds like a dream come true. However, large one-off or additional orders can be very problematic if you’re not used to them. They can even kill your business off, if you’re not careful due to the lack of immediate cash within […]

Tips for Cash Flow forecasting

Cash is the lifeblood of any business, particularly for small enterprises and high growth start-ups. It’s easy to get hung up on profit but there’s great danger of business owners not putting enough focus on cash flow. Having accurate cash flow forecasts in place can help you foresee potential problems which may arise in the […]

Managing protracted disputes

As a small business owner or manager, the last thing you want is to get stuck in a dispute. Whether it’s over payment of an invoice; the quality of a supplier’s product; or an issue involving your staff; disputes are inevitably costly in terms of time and money. However, it’s important to understand that occasional […]

Smart funding coupled with OptiPaySecure™ helps growing business

Our new client had been funding just nine weeks, they were a start-up but had good contracts in place. However they had been overweight with two debtors representing 58% of their business ledger. Whilst most of their debtors paid within terms, one had been pushing the relationship and ultimately the debtor went into liquidation owing […]

What Happens When a Client Just Won’t Pay?

Having taken a look at the issue of late paying clients last week, it’s time to consider the worst case scenario: what happens if a client just won’t pay an invoice? We’re not talking about late payments here as we already know that some big businesses will withhold payments for as long as they can. Often […]

What to do with Unpaid Invoices

Small businesses can only deal with so much when it comes to unsettled or unpaid invoices owed by slow-paying clients. Working with slow-paying clients affects the working capital cycle of a business and dramatically slows the ability to grow. Sluggish payments will impact your business and if not managed correctly, could drive you out of […]

IP for SMEs

Intellectual Property is not just for big business. Any products that you have designed, processes that you do uniquely, or brands that you have built up can constitute valuable intellectual property and can be an important asset for your business. It’s therefore crucial to understand what your IP is, and protect it accordingly. There are […]

Outstanding Tax Liabilities Need Not Be An Obstacle to Business Funding

Owing the ATO For small to medium size businesses, that trades month to month and has working capital fluctuations, it’s often not too difficult to end up in a situation where the business is unable to pay its ATO bill. If this is the case, the taxman will usually look to put a plan in […]

OptiPay Cash Flow Finder