Funding vs. Lending: understanding the difference
There is a wide array of different reasons why a small business might need access to extra incoming cash at any particular moment. Sometimes, they need to deal with a sudden-yet-important extended supplier payment. Other times, they’re just looking for new ways to better deal with seasonal cash fluctuations. Often, they’re dealing with customers […]
Outstanding Tax Liabilities Need Not Be An Obstacle to Business Funding
Owing the ATO For small to medium size businesses, that trades month to month and has working capital fluctuations, it’s often not too difficult to end up in a situation where the business is unable to pay its ATO bill. If this is the case, the taxman will usually look to put a plan in […]
Why Invoice Financing Is Better Than a Business Loan
As an Australian business owner, you could turn to the banks or various Fintech business loan providers for your short-term financing needs. Either way did you know there is another viable option to solve your cash flow issues? It’s called Invoice financing and it provides an invaluable support mechanism for growing businesses. Minor cash flow […]
104% pa improvement in business turnover and a massive uplift in profit through the correct implementation of OptiPay’s. Accelerator and Accelerator Plus innovative funding!
Revolving, unsecured, protected and very very smart! Our new client provides a range of concrete products to the CIVIL Construction industry via an extensive supply chain and significant sub-contractor base. The client had an existing facility with a 1st tier bank, debtor finance and a range of secured facilities. The client was increasingly frustrated by […]
Invoice Financing solution for Small Businesses
Many small-business owners will be keeping an eye on their ongoing cash flow. After all, cash flow is among the most important indicators of success and is a vital aspect of business financing. Fortunately for companies that there are looking to grow their business and support their cash flow, there are a number of different […]
How to manage cash flow when your business is expanding
Growth and expansion is the goal of every small business owner or start-up entrepreneur. Every large corporation today has initially started out as a small local business, only to grow and expand over the years. However, expansion can present challenges, particularly in the area of cash flow. More than half of new businesses are prone […]
THE SECRET to small business success: 5 Advantages of using invoice financing
1. Feel Comfortable About Full-Sized Projects Small businesses carry a lot of cost on big jobs and payment is frequently slow when there’s a big corporate involved. That’s a bad combination. Invoice financing allows businesses to take on potentially rewarding contracts without getting stretched too thin, by getting up to 85% of your outstanding invoices […]
You might be next! Find out what can REALLY kill your business and how to avoid It.
An independently commissioned cash flow crisis report by OptiPay (OptiPay) illustrates that Australian businesses are constantly owed an average $38,000 each, with corporate customer excuses ranging from ‘lost in the system’ and ‘in dispute’ to ‘being reviewed internally’ and ‘being processed offshore’. In fact, the primary cause of failed SMEs for three years running has […]
How a large order almost crippled a business but smart supply funding turned things around
The client designs and constructs bespoke generators to the construction and underground mining sectors. Background The client had recently been awarded a tender which required an increase for overseas components and domestic partner contribution for the accommodation of the complete project, plus there was a requirement for overland delivery using Australian heavy haulage to site […]
Logistics: a forgotten cost that can yield major savings
Most businesses require some form of logistics, but some are better at managing the associated costs than others. The good news is that many SMEs can make significant savings if they borrow the ideas and approaches pioneered by large corporations. Although it could be argued that email and the Internet are the ulOptiPayate in streamlined […]