7 Ways to Raise Capital in Your Business

Meeting with shareholders

 Video Transcript I’m regularly asked by our clients, how can I access capital for my business? So in this short video, we’re going to look at the various options available to you as a business owner to bring capital into your business. Firstly, personal capital. As the business owner you could lend money to […]

Is This Factoring?

Ladies in the office discussing invoice factoring

 Video Transcript No, it’s not factoring. Factoring is when the financier manages the debtor ledger on the behalf of the client, including chasing the customers for payment. Invoice Finance as provided by OptiPay does not interfere with your Customers. We simply advance cash against your unpaid invoices and leave it to you to manage […]

4 Options to Manage Bad Debts

Bank tellers talking to customers

 Video Transcript It’s an unfortunate reality of business today that if you make sales on credit terms from time to time, one or more of your customers will go bust owing you money. Depending on the size of the amount that’s owed to you at the time they go bust on what that amount […]

Why Do Businesses Use Invoice Finance?

Businessmen discussing the importance of invoice financing

 Video Transcript Businesses can’t grow without access to cash, and many businesses have a significant amount of cash tied up in their unpaid invoices, in other words, their Accounts Receivable Ledger. Although this is an asset on their balance sheet, it is a non performing asset, because your Customers are using you as a […]

What is the PPSR?

The logo of the PPSR

 Video Transcript The PPSR, also known as the Personal Property Security Register, is a publicly available website, administered by the Federal government, where a provider of credit or finance can formally register a security interest over the borrower. Who is OptiPay? OptiPay, one of Australia’s leading business finance providers, has been dedicated to helping […]

Why is the PPSR Important for Business Owners?

Man Learning about the PPSR

 Video Transcript The PPSR is vitally important for business owners to understand, because by offering credit terms, what they are in fact doing, is offering a form of finance to their customers, because they are providing their goods or services for free, for the agreed credit period. Should that customer have an insolvency event, […]

Is Invoice Finance an Unsecured Loan?

discussion about unsecured loans

 Video Transcript No. Unlike a traditional loan, which requires P&I repayments on a weekly or fortnightly basis, Invoice Finance has no repayments, as it’s simply bringing forward the cash that’s owed to you from your Customers and we the financier are unlocking that cash for you. The financier (OptiPay) gets repaid when your Customer […]

Why Managing Your Debtor Ledger is So Important

Owner making a followup

 Video Transcript Management of your debtor ledger is absolutely critical to the ongoing success of any business. Because if you send off an invoice, you deliver your goods or service, you send off the invoice in anticipation of being paid in, whatever your agreed credit terms are, which might be 30 days later. And […]

What Options Do Small Businesses Have to Fund Themselves?

Two men discussing the options for funding

 Video Transcript They can access cash through a variety of means. One might be traditional bank debt, another option might be to invest money into their business themselves. But those two options may be difficult because we know with traditional bank debt, particularly post the royal commission is very difficult to access any sort […]

What are the Benefits of Invoice Finance?

People Talking About Invoice Finance

 Video Transcript The benefit of bringing forth the cash flow from down the track to today is that you’re obviously, as soon as you’re delivering the services or selling the goods to your customers, you’re accessing that cash. You’re getting access to that cash, rather than have it sitting as an asset on your […]

OptiPay Cash Flow Finder