Australia’s Best-Kept Cash Flow Secret

Sydney Harbour

 Video Transcript The use of invoice finance as an effective business funding solution is growing year on year around the globe. While increasing at a rapid rate internationally invoice finance has not had the same penetration in the Australian business funding market. Invoice finance accounts for about 4% of Australia’s GDP, compared to over […]

Will Invoice Finance Make My Business Look Weak?

 Video Transcript The use of the invoice finance is NOT a sign to your customers that you are struggling financially or doing it tough. In fact, invoice financing arrangements are increasingly common and viewed favourably by large customers. as they have the assurance that your business has the access to cash you’ll need to […]

Will My Clients Know I’m Using Invoice Finance?

 Video Transcript Yes, your customers will know that you’re receiving funding against the invoices you’ve issued to them as they will be asked to verify the invoices. However, invoice finance has become such an accepted part of commercial business these days that it won’t be unusual to them. With thousands of Australian businesses turning […]

Why Invoice Finance is Better than a Business Loan

 Video Transcript Invoice finance carries many advantages over a business loan. As a revolving facility based on the value of the sales, with no fixed repayment period, you have the flexibility to draw down and use the facility only as required by your cash flow demands. There are no fixed fees, such as upfront […]

Will Invoice Finance Work for My Business

man doing inventory on his business

 Video Transcript Yes, invoice finance will work for your business if your business satisfies the following criteria and you might well find invoice finance is an excellent solution for your business. Criteria one, your customers are other businesses, in other words, you’re doing B2B transactions. Two, you have more than one customer. Three, you […]

Is Your Business Facing a Cash Flow Crunch?

Very Stressed Man

 Video Transcript Let me ask you a few questions. Is your business facing a cash flow crunch because your customers are using your business as their bank and delaying payments for goods that you’ve already delivered to them? Or secondly, maybe you’ve won a new sales contract, and you need the funding for growth. […]

How Can Businesses Access Cash During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Business Closing Because of COVID-19

 Video Transcript As I discussed in my video last week about the true impact of COVID-19 on businesses (the link is in the comments section) for anyone that hasn’t seen that video. OptiPay continues to be inundated with enquiries from business owners who are needing to access cash to navigate their business through this […]

Does Invoice Finance Work for Seasonal Businesses?

Girl in a farm

 Video Transcript Hi, Angus from OptiPay, in today’s short video, we’re going to talk about whether seasonal businesses can take advantage of the power of invoice finance. So firstly, what is a seasonal business? Well, it’s any business that has peak sales period or periods throughout the year when the majority of the revenue […]

The TRUE Impact of COVID-19 on Australian Businesses

Man wearing PPE suit

 Video Transcript Look, no doubt there’s been a massive impact, we’ve all seen that and in addition to the human tragedy of those that have lost loved ones in the pandemic, the fallout on business from COVID-1 and the government-imposed restrictions has been widespread across the global economy, and particularly devastating to industries, such […]

What is Trade Finance?

Shipment of Importing

 Video Transcript Trade finance is a term used to describe a form of business debt funding that is used to facilitate international purchases of raw materials and or inventory from international suppliers. Trade Finance is different from traditional debt, which is used within a business for general operational expenses and or capital purchases. Whereas […]

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