What are the Benefits of Invoice Finance?

People Talking About Invoice Finance

 Video Transcript The benefit of bringing forth the cash flow from down the track to today is that you’re obviously, as soon as you’re delivering the services or selling the goods to your customers, you’re accessing that cash. You’re getting access to that cash, rather than have it sitting as an asset on your […]

Invoice Finance Companies are Not Debt Collections Agencies

Calendar showing day of debt collecting

Invoice financing and debt collection are two disparate things that frequently get mistaken for one another. Though the two really have nothing to do with each other, misunderstandings abound. As such, it is a good idea to review the roles of financing companies and debt collection agencies, how they are different, and the common reasons […]

What are the Issues for Small Businesses in “Growth” Phase?

Business owner facing issues during growth phase

 Video Transcript The main issue faced by businesses in their start up phase, which is say from start up to the first three years which is the real crux and we know the statistics that, unfortunately, eight out of ten businesses fail in the first three years. The impact on the Australian economy to […]

The Difference Between Profit and Cash

Man trying to understand the difference between profit and cash

 Video Transcript The difference between profit and cash, and it is a very important distinction that business owners must understand because as soon as they make a sale, it goes through the accounts as revenue. But they may not see the actual cash into their bank account for that for 30, 60 or even […]

What are the Issues with a Business Loan?

Business Owner Signing a Loan Contract

Video Transcript So the issue with a business loan and look, they’ve got their purpose and they are very good. If you need a business loan to go and buy a piece of capital equipment or to upscale the business to take on a new project, then it may well serve its purpose. But the […]

Alternative Funding Has Earned its Place in the Mainstream

As a mortgage and/or finance broker, what do you understand by the term ‘alternative finance’? For some people, it just means conventional loans from non-bank sources. Others view the term with suspicion, or think of new-fangled fintech formulations that are not for them or their clients. In fact, the term is something of a misnomer […]

Free Trade? It Can Be Easier Than You Think

Free Trade

In a search for trading partners and opportunities, Britain’s foreign secretary made Australia his first port of call recently. All smiles, he was keen to talk about the mutual advantages of free trade, but while Dominic Raab faces years of long-winded negotiations to develop new relationships with countries across the globe, international trade for companies […]

Know Your Alternatives

Alternative Funding

Being in business will always entail a degree of risk, but it should not mean that business owners have to put the family home on the line. Financial advisors can play a key role in ensuring entrepreneurs can fund a growing business without having to take unnecessary risks. All they need to do is consider […]

Use Cash Flow Finance to Revolutionise Your Manufacturing

Manufacturing Business

Recently we looked at the benefits to businesses of going green, and how companies large and small are recognising this. For manufacturers, there is exciting talk of a green revolution – but the levels of investment required to join this growing movement are relatively high. SME manufacturers looking to go green, make their production lines […]

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