How Can Businesses Access Cash During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Video Transcript As I discussed in my video last week about the true impact of COVID-19 on businesses (the link is in the comments section) for anyone that hasn’t seen that video. OptiPay continues to be inundated with enquiries from business owners who are needing to access cash to navigate their business through this […]
Funding Story: Logistics Business

Video Transcript It’s a transportation business that is providing funnily enough transport services in the mining services sector and it’s an unfortunate reality in Australian commerce that the big miners tend to be slow payers cause they’re using all their suppliers and vendor providers as banks for themselves to enhance their profit. And many […]
Does Invoice Finance Work for Seasonal Businesses?

Video Transcript Hi, Angus from OptiPay, in today’s short video, we’re going to talk about whether seasonal businesses can take advantage of the power of invoice finance. So firstly, what is a seasonal business? Well, it’s any business that has peak sales period or periods throughout the year when the majority of the revenue […]
How to Keep Your Business Employees Motivated

Most new employees hit the ground running and are keen to impress their new boss. However, over the next few months the monotony of the daily routine kicks in, they get comfortable in their team and settle into mediocrity and complacency. While this scenario is seemingly all too common, the good news is that there’s […]
Funding Story: Plastic Importer

Video Transcript Another one of our clients is an importer of plastics that they then recycle and then make available to buyers in Australia. They were with another financier who was giving them a small trade facility but wouldn’t increase the limit or didn’t have the capacity to increase the limit so they came […]
Funding Story: Medical Services Firm

Video Transcript One of our clients operates in the medical services industry, where they’re contacting medical professionals to other businesses and very much like labour hire, they needed to pay those people on a weekly basis, but they weren’t seeing the cash flow coming back from those invoices for between 30 and 60 days. […]
Funding Story: Labour Hire Company

Video Transcript One of our clients, well one of the industries that’s predisposed to needing cash flow finance is labour hire. Because they have to pay their contractors every week, typically on a Wednesday night, but they may not see the cash flow from the invoices that they issue to their clients, who are […]
Funding Story: Engineering Business

Video Transcript So a finance broker brought us an opportunity, a scenario the other week that it was an engineering business down in Melbourne and they needed a couple of different products. They needed a trade finance because they were importing raw materials from overseas and they also had long trade terms with their […]
Funding Story: Refrigeration Business

Video Transcript A business that was in the refrigeration space, so they were putting refrigeration units on the back of trucks and vans or in vans and the demand for it was growing rapidly but and they were bringing in these completed refrigeration units from overseas and was unable to meet the demand he […]
The TRUE Impact of COVID-19 on Australian Businesses

Video Transcript Look, no doubt there’s been a massive impact, we’ve all seen that and in addition to the human tragedy of those that have lost loved ones in the pandemic, the fallout on business from COVID-1 and the government-imposed restrictions has been widespread across the global economy, and particularly devastating to industries, such […]